News story

‘Game Over Zeus / Cryptolocker’ cyber threat: advice for businesses

The National Crime Agency alerted the public to protect their computers against malicious software that could cost them millions of pounds.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Cyber Security image on screen

There is a 2 week window in which you can take action. Businesses can protect themselves against cyber risks by ensuring security software is installed, by running scans and by checking that operating systems and applications are up to date. If you run a business, you should test your incident response and business resilience protocols and work with your IT departments or suppliers to tell employees of the potential threat.

Firms running Windows operating systems are at risk from the GOZeuS and CryptoLocker threats. Small businesses could be particularly at risk as they may not have the necessary protective systems in place.

To help protect your computers from attacks, firms should follow National Crime Agency guidance or CERT UK. This includes practical advice plus tools from cyber security companies which can clean up infected computers.

You can get further advice for businesses from Cyber Street.

The government knows that cyber attacks are a threat to UK business. The growth of the internet has transformed our everyday lives and is an important part of our economy. The internet-related market in the UK is now estimated to be worth £82 billion a year while British businesses earn £1 in every £5 from the internet. This is why the government is investing £860 million through the National Cyber Security Programme to support the UK’s economic prosperity, protect national security and safeguard the public’s way of life.

As part of this, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is working to make the UK one of the safest places in the world to do business in cyber space. BIS has put together a package of support to help your business protect itself from cyber threats:

In addition, BIS will shortly be announcing further details on Cyber Essentials a new scheme which sets out how your business can protect itself and enable you to demonstrate your business is cyber secure.

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Published 3 June 2014