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24 projects to improve air quality to receive £1 million fund

New projects around the UK have been awarded a share of this year's Air Quality grant focusing on reducing emissions from road transport.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Air quality

A £1 million fund has been awarded to 24 local authority projects designed to improve air quality in their area as part of this year’s Air Quality Grant Programme.

The Grant Programme for 2014/15 has focused on supporting projects set up to tackle nitrogen dioxide levels and mitigate emissions from road transport.

Successful projects include £40,000 to upgrade cycle and pedestrian links across the A458 in Dudley; £21,820 on cycling infrastructure in Cheshire; £20,800 to promote electric vehicles in Bristol and £31,000 to build a business case for gas buses in Leicester.

Environment Minister Dan Rogerson said:

Air quality has improved significantly in recent decades and local authorities play a vital role – funding these great projects across the country will help them to continue this good work. I look forward to seeing how these projects will deliver real benefits for communities across England.

Other examples of projects receiving funding include £50,000 to trial converting container stacking machines from diesel to natural gas in Southampton; £31,320 on subway improvements in Hertfordshire and £29,100 on cycle path upgrades in Watford.

It is hoped this grant will help reduce air pollution and raise awareness of the ongoing work between the UK government, local authorities and the European Commission to further improve air quality.

Awards given in the 2014-15

Local Authority Project Description Award
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council Upgrading cycle and pedestrian links across the A458 £40,000
Bradford Development of Low Emission Strategy Guide £35,000
London Borough of Croydon Co-ordination of Cleaner Air Champions (including personal exposure monitoring) across 6 boroughs £51,838
Wandsworth Council Investigation – analysing air quality monitoring and licence plate recognition data £48,000
Birmingham City Council Modelling to build evidence base for measures £32,443
Westminster City Council Installation of electric vehicle charging points in car club bays £128,800
Southampton City Council Trial to convert container stacking machines in port from diesel to natural gas £50,000
Southampton City Council Using wireless air quality monitoring to develop traffic management software £30,000
Bristol City Council Purchase an electric vehicle for everyday council use and promote electric vehicles £20,800
Slough Borough Council Develop a Low Emission Strategy with Air Quality & Planning Guidance £42,000
Thurrock Borough Council Micro-simulation study of interventions at junctions in highly-congested areas £43,418
Leicester City Council Business case for gas buses £31,000
Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council Business case for alternative fuels for Heavy and Light Goods Vehicles/buses for Merseyside £40,000
Bristol City Council Investigation of freight options in potential Low Emission Zone £30,000
Leicester City Council Temporary reallocation of road-space in busy inner city area £32,000
Cheshire West & Chester Council Development of Low Emission Strategy £40,200
Cheshire East Borough Council Cycling infrastructure £21,820
Plymouth City Council School behaviour change programme - to encourage anti-idling of vehicles and greener forms of transport for the school run £11,761
East Herts Council Subway improvements £31,320
Cannock Chase Council (covering benefits for multiple authorities) Green fleet recognition scheme for Heavy Goods Vehicles – across 8 Local Authorities £80,000
Plymouth City Council Low Emission Zone Feasibility Study for Plymouth £21,000
Watford Borough Council Cycle path upgrade including infrastructure improvements £29,100
Halton Borough Council Quantify and mitigate air pollution caused by local traffic around a major supermarket in the area £9,500
London Borough of Islington (joint-bid with LB Hackney) Reducing pollution from mini-cabs by creating an electric charging network Final amount to be confirmed
Total   £1,000,000

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Published 16 December 2014