Press release

£1.3 million Government pledge to protect our most endangered species

This new fund cements the UK's commitment to leading the way in international conservation.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

£1.3 million is being invested in a range of projects dedicated to protecting some of the world’s most endangered and best-loved species, Environment Minister Richard Benyon announced today.

From supporting efforts to stamp out the barbaric trade in rhino horn to preserving habitats for fast-disappearing wild tigers, this new fund cements the UK’s commitment to leading the way in international conservation.

Environment Minister Richard Benyon said:

“Global action must be taken before these species are wiped out for good. Tigers, rhinos, elephants and apes are much loved animals that some of us take for granted. Yet many are suffering horrific deaths at the hands of poachers and traffickers or because their habitats are being destroyed. 

“It would be a travesty if these animals were allowed to disappear forever, which is why the UK Government is committed to leading the way in supporting such vital international conservation.

“We need to stop these animals disappearing forever and the projects receiving funding today are working to do just that, which is why I am so pleased to be able to support them.”

Defra has consistently supported efforts to protect tigers and rhinos in the wild, earlier this year pledging over a quarter of a million pounds to a range of conservation projects. This latest funding will go towards efforts to clamp down on the international trade in endangered species and to the Global Tiger Recovery Plan, which is working to double the number of the animals in the wild by 2022. 

The £1.3 million fund will contribute to vital projects across the world to help animals that are on the brink of extinction have a chance of survival. 

A breakdown of the projects receiving funding are: 

  • £312k - Global Tiger Recovery Programme - a global programme, running until 2022, being coordinated by the World Bank;
  • £312k - Contribution to the Nagoya Protocol Implementation
  • £200k - UK - Brazil workshop to develop biodiversity actions plans for countries across the world;
  • £120k - Zoological Society of London - Progressing REDD+ as a sustainable funding mechanism for tiger conservation in the Berbak National Park;
  • £100k - ABS Collaborative initiative with Colombia - to pursue an initiative on biodiversity with the Colombians;
  • £100k - The Great Apes Survival Project - shaping a new strategy for protecting this vulnerable species;
  • £50k - IUCN African elephant (AfESG) specialist group - AfESG work with African states on elephant conservation including the fight against poaching and illegal trade;
  • £50k - IUCN African rhino (AfRSG) specialist group.  AfRSG work with African states on rhino conservation;
  • £40K - To strengthen Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) implementation via the International Consortium for Combating Wildlife Crime;
  • £25k - Flagship Species Fund - an additional contribution to the £100k already given to Fauna and Flora International to support small-scale biodiversity projects around the world;
  • £14k - Rhino conservation - to a number of vital rhino conservation missions;
  • £14k - Ivory action plan verification missions - to combat the illegal trade in ivory; and
  • £10k - Zoological Society of London - fire fighting in Berbak National Park, to help safeguard a key tiger habitat.

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Published 30 December 2011