Consultation outcome

Prevent duty

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

All contributions were considered as part of the review and the development of the revised Prevent statutory duty guidance.

Feedback received

Summary of responses

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Detail of feedback received

This document describes the consultation process on the guidance for the Prevent statutory duty. It summarises the responses to the consultation.

Original consultation


Consultation on draft guidance, to be issued under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill, for specified authorities to have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill, which is currently before Parliament, seeks to place a duty on specified authorities (identified in full in Schedule 3 to the bill, and set out in this draft guidance) to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism

In carrying out this duty, the specified authorities must have regard to guidance issued by the Secretary of State. A draft of that guidance is attached here, for consultation.


The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the attached draft guidance from all interested parties, but particularly:

  • local authorities
  • the education sector, including early years, schools, further and higher education institutions
  • NHS institutions
  • the police
  • prison and young offender institutions
  • providers of probation services

We would also be interested in hearing from others who feel they have a role to play in this duty.

We have included specific consultation questions throughout the document which we invite responses on. But more generally, we would like to hear views on activity that should be considered on other practice. We would also like to hear of any opportunities or barriers to implementation.

Application in Scotland and Wales

The duty extends to Scotland and Wales, but no Scottish authorities are currently listed in Schedule 3. Certain Welsh authorities are. This draft guidance only covers England. We are in consultation with the Scottish and Welsh governments to ensure it applies appropriately to them

We welcome views on which Scottish authorities should be subject to the duty, which other Welsh authorities should be subject to the duty, and how the guidance should be adapted to be relevant to them.

How to respond

Consultation questions are included throughout the document to seek views on particular aspects and sections of the guidance. We invite responses to these questions, supporting evidence where available, and, as above, comments on any other issues raised by the guidance.

Please submit responses to the questions and other evidence to:

Please mark your response with ‘Guidance consultation’ in the subject field of your email.

You can also respond to the questions using our online survey, but you should still read the full consultation document before doing this.

Postal responses can be sent to:

Prevent duty consultation
6th Floor, Peel Building
2 Marsham Street

The consultation will run for a period of 6 weeks. We will consider responses received by noon on Friday 30 January 2015.


Updates to this page

Published 17 December 2014
Last updated 12 March 2015 + show all updates
  1. Responses published.

  2. First published.

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