Closed consultation

Long duration electricity storage: proposals to enable investment

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We're consulting on the policy framework to enable investment in long duration electricity storage.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

Long duration electricity storage can provide an important contribution to decarbonising our energy system. For example, it can store renewable power and discharge it during periods of low wind. However, evidence suggests that it faces investment challenges under current energy market frameworks, meaning it has struggled to deploy at scale at present.

This consultation sets out our intention to develop a cap and floor mechanism to overcome the investment barriers we have identified. The consultation seeks views on several elements of our approach, including eligibility criteria for assessing applications, the design of the cap and floor mechanism and our proposed options for delivering the scheme.

It’s open to anyone to respond, but will be of interest primarily to:

  • long duration storage project developers
  • investors
  • electricity suppliers
  • network operators
  • relevant technology companies
  • consumer groups
  • other stakeholders

We’ve published a study on scenario deployment analysis for long-duration electricity storage alongside this consultation.

Read our consultation privacy notice.


Published 9 January 2024