Consultation on proposal to clarify the definition of 'entertainment facilities' in the Licensing Act 2003
Consultation description
This consultation seeks your views on a proposal to exclude the provision of musical instruments from the definition of entertainment facilities in the Licensing Act 2003 (the Act); and clarify that entertainment facilities are not separately licensable if they are used solely for the provision of incidental music.
Freedom of information
Please note responses may be published, unless you ask us not do so. In addition under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 all information in responses, including personal information, may be subject to publication or disclosure. If any correspondent requests confidentiality this cannot be guaranteed, and will only be possible if considered appropriate under the legislation.
For enquiries about the consultation (handling) process only please contact DCMS Public Engagement and Recognition Unit (PERU) at the above address or email, heading your communication ‘Consultation on proposal to clarify the definition of entertainment facilities’.