
OFSI General Licences

Details of General Licences issued by OFSI

Date Issued Licence Number Details and Publication Notice Regime
9 August 2024 INT/2024/5028385 East-West United Bank – Insolvency related payments and activities Russia
3 July 2024 INT/2024/4919848 National Settlement Depository Russia
3 July 2024 INT/2024/4907888 Payments for Visa Application Services Multiple
1 July 2024 INT/2024/4881897 Payments to Revenue Authorities Multiple
27 June 2024 INT/2024/4888228 Statutory Audit Fees Multiple
20 June 2024 INT/2024/4836676 Payments to the FCA Multiple
28 May 2024 INT/2024/4761108 Funds of non-designated third parties involving designated credit or financial institutions (“Personal Remittances”) Russia
29 April 2024 INT/2024/4671884 Legal Services Russia
Republic of Belarus
29 Feb 2024 INT/2024/4398024 Court Funds Office Payments Russia
16 Feb 2024 INT/2024/4423849 Oil Price Cap Russia
09 Dec 2023 INT/2023/3781228 Payments to Local Authorities Multiple
14 Nov 2023 INT/2023/3749168 Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories humanitarian activity Counter-Terrorism (International Sanctions)
6 Oct 2023 INT/2023/3626884 Payments to Companies House Multiple
21 Sep 2023 INT/2023/3179120 Payment to Water Companies for Water and Sewage Multiple
1 Aug 2023 INT/2023/3263556 GTLK Companies and their Subsidiaries – Insolvency related payments and activities Russia
14 Jun 2023 INT/2023/3074680 Oil Price Cap: Trading in Derivatives and Futures Russia
14 Apr 2023 INT/2023/2883496 Lithuania Rail Russia
28 Mar 2023 INT/2023/2824812 Bond Amendments and Restructurings for Non-designated Persons Russia
21 Mar 2023 INT/2023/2589788 Wind-down of Trust Services Provided to Designated Persons Russia
15 Feb 2023 INT/2023/2711256 Syria Humanitarian Syria
5 Dec 2022 INT/2022/2470056 Correspondent Banking and Payment Processing Russia
5 Dec 2022 INT/2022/2470156 Oil Price Cap: Exempt Projects and Countries Russia
17 Nov 2022 INT/2022/2300292 Payments to Utility Companies for Gas and Electricity by UK Designated Persons who Own or Rent Properties in the UK Multiple
4 Nov 2022 INT/2022/2349952 Transactions Related to Agricultural Commodities Including the Provision of Insurance and Other Services Russia
17 Oct 2022 INT/2022/1552576 LCIA Payments Russia
Republic of Belarus
22 Aug 2022 INT/2022/2104808 Bank Fees Russia
22 Aug 2022 INT/2022/1845976 Crown Servants, Contractors, and their Family Members Russia
18 Aug 2022 INT/2022/2009156 Permitted Payments to UK Insurance Companies Multiple
16 Aug 2022 INT/2022/2085212 Mongolia Energy Payments Russia
7 Jul 2022 INT/2022/1947936 Humanitarian Activity Russia
30 May 2022 INT/2022/1875276 Continuation of Business and Basic Needs for Telecommunications Services and News Media Services Russia
30 May 2022 INT/2022/1834876 Charities and Interim Managers and Trustees Russia
23 May 2022 INT/2022/1839676 Russia Travel for UK Nationals Russia
13 May 2022 INT/2022/1678476 Amsterdam Trade Bank N.V – winding down, basic needs and insolvency Russia
5 May 2022 INT/2022/1710676 Evraz North American Subsidiaries Russia
27 Apr 2022 INT/2022/1679676 Law Enforcement and Regulatory Authorities Asset Recovery Russia
9 Mar 2022 INT/2022/1322576 Provision of Navigational Data to Civilian Aircrafts for Flight Safety Republic of Belarus
1 Mar 2022 INT/2022/1280876 Russian Banks: UK, Guernsey and EU Subsidiaries - basic needs, routine holding and maintenance and the payment of legal fees Russia
1 Mar 2022 INT/2022/1280976 Regulatory Authorities – Prudential Supervision, Financial Stability, Protection of Consumers Or Integrity of The UK Financial System Russia
19 Jul 2021 INT/2021/554388 Emergency Payment(s) Directly or via an Intermediary to Belaeronavigatsia for Air Traffic Services Republic of Belarus

To view OFSI’s expired General Licences, click here.

Updates to this page

Published 1 January 2021
Last updated 9 August 2024 + show all updates
  1. New OFSI General licence INT/2024/5028385, East-West United Bank – Insolvency related payments and activities added. OFSI General licence INT/2022/2009156, Permitted Payments to UK Insurance Companies amended to include Employers’ Liability Insurance.

  2. General Licence INT/2023/3781228 updated to add a permission to the list of Permitted Payments for the payment of fees owed by or due from UK DPs to Local Authorities for Business Improvement District levies.

  3. General licence INT/2024/4919848 extended and now expires on 12 October 2024.

  4. General licence - INT/2022/1710676 extended.

  5. General Licence INT/2022/1280876 was further amended to change Permission 5.2, specifically the Insolvency Proceedings that apply to OWH SE, the EU subsidiary.

  6. New OFSI General licence INT/2024/4919848 National Settlement Depository added.

  7. New OFSI General licence - INT/2024/4907888 Payments for Visa Application Services added.

  8. New OFSI General licence INT/2024/4881897 - Payments to Revenue Authorities added.

  9. New General licence - INT/2024/4888228 Statutory Audit Fees added.

  10. OFSI General licence - INT/2023/2711256 Syria Humanitarian extended.

  11. New OFSI General licence - INT/2024/4836676, Payments to the FCA added.

  12. General Licence INT/2024/4576632 removed

  13. INT/2023/3024200 Prior Obligations General Licence removed.

  14. OFSI General licence - INT/2022/1280876 amended to permit a scheme of arrangement prepared by the Joint Administrators of VTB Capital plc.

  15. New general licence INT/2024/4761108 - Funds of non-designated third parties involving designated credit or financial institutions (“Personal Remittances”) added.

  16. OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1839676-Russian Travel extended.

  17. OFSI Publication Notice INT/2024/4671884 amended to remove FAQ section which now can be found at a dedicated FAQ page,

  18. General Licence - INT/2023/3749168, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories humanitarian activity extended.

  19. New general licence INT/2024/4671884 Legal service added. Expired general licence INT/2023/3744968 removed.

  20. General licence - INT/2024/4576632 amended on 10 April 2024 to remove the language prohibiting funds or economic resources from being made available for the benefit of any designated person.

  21. General Licence INT/2023/3626884 amended

  22. New OFSI General licence INT/2024/4576632 - Active and Beks Ships Transit to Port and Wind Down added.

  23. New General licence - INT/2024/4398024 Court Funds Office Payments added. General Licence INT/2022/2300292 amended to add permission for payments for gas and electricity meter installation, certification, validation, monitoring, replacement, removal and other payments in relation to these activities.

  24. OFSI General Licence INT/2023/3626884 amended to permit the payment of Administrative Restoration Fees.

  25. GENERAL LICENCE – Oil Price Cap INT/2024/4423849 The new ‘Oil Price Cap’ General Licence (INT/2024/4423849)

  26. OFSI General licence - INT/2022/2009156 amended to remove reference to frozen UK bank accounts from Permissions 4.1, 4.3.1, and 6.1 to make clear that payments by DPs are not restricted to those made from frozen funds; and The language in permission 5.1 and 6.6 has been clarified.

  27. GL INT/2022/2469656 updated with expiration date Publication Notice for GL INT/2022/2469656 updated with main expiration date

  28. OFSI have extended the duration of the General licence INT/2023/2711256 Syria Humanitarian by 6 months, which will now expire on 14th August 2024 at 11.59 pm. General licence INT/2022/2009156- Permitted Payments to UK Insurance Companies amended : Permitted Payments can only be made for UK properties and UK vehicles; Insurance Brokers may make all types of Return Payments to a DP’s frozen bank account including payments due from successful claims; the language in 5.2 and 6.5 has been clarified; the definition of Return Payments was expanded to include other types of refunds; the reporting and record-keeping requirements also apply to Insurance Brokers and those reporting must now report to HM Treasury within 10 working days.

  29. General Licence INT/2023/4078352 has expired and has been moved to the Expired General Licences page.

  30. OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1280876 was further amended to change the name of VTB Bank (Europe) SE to OWH SE within the definition of an “EU subsidiary.”

  31. INT/2023/3749168 General Licence and Publication Notice URLs amended.

  32. OFSI General Licence INT/2022/2469656 amended.

  33. OFSI General Licence INT/2023/3566356 Correspondent Banking Payments moved to expired table.

  34. Updated the General Licence and Publication Notice links for General Licence INT/2021/554388

  35. OFSI general licences INT/2022/2349952, INT/2022/2300292, INT/2023/3626884, INT/2022/2009156 , INT/2022/1834876, INT/2022/1839676, INT/2022/1322576, INT/2023/3024200, INT/2022/1552576, NT/2023/3179120 and INT/2023/3744968 were amended to also permit activity that would otherwise breach the prohibitions in Regulation 17A of the Russia Regulations.

  36. New OFSI General licence - INT/2023/4078352 Payment Processing Wind Down added.

  37. OFSI general licence Payments to Local Authorities INT/2023/3781228 added.

  38. General licence Correspondent Banking Payments INT/2023/3566356 extended.

  39. OFSI General licence INT/2022/1919908 Funds of non-designated third parties involving designated credit or financial institutions moved to expired table.

  40. New OFSI General Licence - INT/2023/3749168: Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories humanitarian activity added.

  41. General Licence INT/2022/1552576 amended to remove the Annex 1 Schedule of Arbitration Costs; and change the definition of Arbitration Costs to reflect the relevant Schedule of Costs for LCIA arbitration available at

  42. OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1839676 Russia Travel paragraph 4.1 amended.

  43. Expired OFSI general licence legal services INT/2023/2954852 moved to expired table.

  44. OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1875276 amended.

  45. New OFSI general licence INT/2023/3744968 Legal services added.

  46. OFSI General Licence INT/2023/3626884 Payments to Companies House amended.

  47. OFSI General licence-Payment to Energy Companies for Gas and/or Electricity INT/2022/2300292 extended.

  48. General Licence INT/2023/3074680 Oil Price Cap: Trading in Derivatives and Futures added.

  49. OFSI General licence - INT/2023/3024200 amended.

  50. General Licence INT/2023/3626884 added.

  51. New OFSI General licence Correspondent Banking Payments INT/2023/3566356 added.

  52. New General Licence INT/2023/3179120 Payment to Water Companies for Water and Sewage added.

  53. General Licence INT/2023/3263556 GTLK Companies and their Subsidiaries – Insolvency related payments and activities updated. General Licence INT/2022/1875276 Continuation of Business and Basic Needs for Telecommunications Services and News Media Services updated.

  54. Date formatting adjusted

  55. New OFSI INT/2023/3263556 General Licence GTLK Companies and their Subsidiaries – Insolvency related payments and activities added.

  56. OFSI General licence Mongolia Energy Payments INT/2022/2085212 amended.

  57. General Licence INT/2023/2711256 updated.

  58. General licence - INT/2022/1710676 extended General licence - INT/2022/1875276 amended

  59. Amended General Licence table format, to improve use, accessibility and readability. The applicable General Licence is now a link under the Licence Number heading. The applicable Publication Notice is now a link under the Details and Publication Notice heading.

  60. OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1947936 amended.

  61. Publication Notice link added to General Licence INT/2022/1947936 - Humanitarian Activity (Russia)

  62. General Licence INT/2022/2305324 Securing Energy for Europe revoked and moved to expired table.

  63. OFSI General Licence INT/2022/2349952 updated

  64. GENERAL LICENCE – London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) Arbitration Costs INT/2022/1552576 amended

  65. General licence INT/2023/3024200 Prior Obligations added.

  66. OFSI General Licence INT/2022/2252300, Legal Services moved to expired page.

  67. General licence INT/2023/2954852 Legal Services added.

  68. OFSI General Licence: Law Enforcement and Regulatory Authorities Asset Recovery INT/2022/1679676 updated.

  69. OFSI General Licence INT/2023/2883496 Lithuania Rail added. OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1280976 Regulatory Authorities – Prudential Supervision, Financial Stability, Protection of Consumers Or Integrity of The UK Financial System updated.

  70. New General Licence INT/2023/2824812, Bond amendments and restructurings for non-Designated Persons added.

  71. INT/2022/1834876 – Charities and Interim Managers and trustees extended, INT/2022/1678476 – Winding Down, basic needs and insolvency extended

  72. Wind down of Trust Services provided to Designated Persons INT/2023/2589788 added

  73. General Licence INT/2020/059-Payment(s) out of non-frozen funds to certain Crimean Sea Ports moved to expired page

  74. General licence - INT/2022/1280976 Regulatory Authorities updated, General licence -INT/2022/1280876 Russian Banks updated, General licence - INT/2022/2300292 Payments to utility companies for gas and electricity updated

  75. INT/2023/2711256 Syria Humanitarian General Licence updated

  76. OFSI General Licence INT/2023/2711256 Syria Humanitarian added

  77. INT/2022/1839676 Russia Travel for UK nationals licence updated

  78. Expired General Licence INT/2022/2339452 Truphone telecomms services moved to expired page. Update to General Licence INT/2022/1710676 Evraz North American Subsidiaries extension added

  79. Oil Price Cap and Product Oil Wind Down updated

  80. Expired OFSI General Licence INT/2022/2448692 moved.

  81. HM Treasury Publication Notices 05-01-23, for INT/2022/2469656, INT/2022/2470256, INT/2022/2470056 and INT/2022/2470156 added GENERAL LICENCE – Oil Price Cap: Exempt Projects and Countries INT/2022/2470156 updated

  82. HM Treasury publication notices for INT/2022/2469656, INT/2022/2470256, INT/2022/2470056 and INT/2022/2470156 added

  83. General Licence INT/2022/2448692 Trade Financial Prohibitions added

  84. Expired licence INT/2022/1630477, Gazprombank Energy Payments removed

  85. GL Oil Price Cap INT/2022/2469656, Oil Price Cap Wind-down INT/2022/2470256, Correspondent banking and payment processing INT/2022/2470056 and Oil Price Cap: Exempt Projects and Countries INT/2022/2470156 added

  86. Removed INT/2022/2055384 - expired

  87. Amended Truphone general licence INT/2022/2339452

  88. Added OFSI General Licence INT/2022/2300292.

  89. General Licence INT/2022/1919908 was added to the table.

  90. Amended Truphone GL INT/2022/2339452

  91. Expired licence INT/2022/2307324 removed

  92. Updated with INT/2022/2349952

  93. Updated DP details on Truphone GL

  94. Links updated

  95. Updated with INT/2022/2252300

  96. INT/2022/2305324 Notice Link updated

  97. Added OFSI General Licence INT/2022/2305324 and OFSI General Licence INT/2022/2307324

  98. Added GL INT/2022/1552576

  99. Correction re-added INT/2022/1947936 and INT/2022/1845976

  100. Expired licences removed : INT/2022/1947936, INT/2022/1968500, INT/2022/1845976

  101. amended GL INT/2022/1280876

  102. Expired licences INT/2022/1919908, INT/2022/1495176 and INT/2022/1469378 removed. HM Treasury Notice, Russia, 26/09/2022 added. HM Treasury Notice, Libya, 26/09/2022 added.

  103. Amended GL INT/2022/1281876 with Guernsey and EU subsidairies

  104. Added General Licence and notice

  105. Added General Licence and Notice for INT/2022/1845976

  106. Added extension to GL INT 2022/1710676

  107. Amended GL INT2022/2009156

  108. added Mongolia energy payments general licence

  109. Removed expired INT/2022/1976232

  110. Updated with INT/2022/2009156

  111. Updated with 'General licence - INT/2022/2002560'

  112. Removed expired GLs

  113. Updated with INT/2022/1947936

  114. Added GL INT/2022/1976232 and GL INT/2022/1976332

  115. Updated with General licence - INT/2022/1968500

  116. removed expired GL INT/2022/1277877

  117. Updated with INT/2022/1919908

  118. Removed expired GL football matches

  119. Updated with 'INT/2022/1875276'

  120. Updated with INT/2022/1834876

  121. Added GL INT 2022/1839676

  122. Added General Licence INT/2022/1678476

  123. Removed expired licences

  124. Updated with GL INT/2022/1710676

  125. Updated with the Expired General Licences link.

  126. Updated with: OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1679676

  127. Updated with General Licence INT/2022/1630477

  128. Updated notice for GL INT/2022/1424276

  129. Updated with GL INT/2022/1469378

  130. Updated with OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1438977

  131. Updated with: INT/2022/1424276 and INT/2022/1424277.

  132. Updated with OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1381276

  133. Updated with amendment to GL INT/2022/1277778

  134. Updated with General Licence INT/2022/1327076

  135. Updated 'OFSI General licence - INT/2022/1322576'.

  136. Updated with General Licence – Publication Notice: INT/2022/1298776

  137. OFSI General licence - INT/2022/1272278: The General Licence was amended on 07 March 2022 to update the references to UK legislation and expand the definition of a subsidiary.

  138. Updated with 'GENERAL LICENCE – Wind Down of Positions Sberbank INT/2022/1298776'

  139. Updated with OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1277877.

  140. Updated with 'OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1280976' and 'OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1280876'.

  141. General Licences INT/2022/1277777, INT/20221277778, and INT/2022/1277877 added

  142. Updated with 'INT/2022/1272278'

  143. Updated with general licence INT/2021/554388

  144. First published.