Case study

Feeding all the King's Horses

Fox Feeds is a small Hertfordshire-based business producing feed for the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery and The Household Cavalry Mounted.

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Fox Feeds

Fox Feeds has been supplying to government for over ten years. Find out how you can bid for and win government contracts by visiting

What does Fox Feeds do?

Primarily, military working horses support state ceremonial and public duties. There are approximately 500 horses split between The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment and The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery.

The Defence Animal Centre provide facilities for horses throughout the year, and Fox Feeds are contracted to supply feed on demand.

Feeding the King’s horses is conducted by experienced professionals, to make sure they have the best diet possible to carry out their important duties.

How has this government contract helped Fox Feeds grow their business?

The award of this contract gave Fox Feeds the confidence to invest in new equipment and road vehicles to help them increase production of feed.

Fox Feeds were able to increase their staff numbers and create full-time specialist jobs administration, quality standards and health and safety.

As a result, the business has more efficient ways of loading and distributing its products, increasing profit and its entire client base.

Robert Barclay is Managing Director of Fox Feeds, he said: “The award of this contract has radically changed this company. We’ve hired more people and created exciting development opportunities by creating new specialist jobs.

By developing our workforce and production systems, we have increased our turnover. Government is a great customer and I would recommend doing business with them.

We were confident in our ability to provide a new approach to a very traditional business. The government adopted our changes and this enabled great improvement to the working lives of horses and those who care for them, which is the most important thing.

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Published 16 January 2017