Holidays, time off, sick leave, maternity and paternity leave
Includes career breaks and the holiday entitlement calculator
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A to Z
- Adoption pay and leave
- Agricultural Sick Pay
- Appeal a call up to the reserve forces
- Calculate holiday entitlement
- Calculate your agricultural worker holiday entitlement
- Career breaks
- Check if you can get Maternity or Paternity Leave or Pay, or Maternity Allowance
- Employee rights when taking maternity and other types of parental leave
- Holiday entitlement
- Maternity Allowance
- Maternity pay and leave
- Paternity pay and leave
- Plan your Shared Parental Leave and Pay
- Shared Parental Leave and Pay
- Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay and Leave
- Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
- Suspensions from work for medical reasons
- Taking sick leave
- Time off for family and dependants
- Time off work for public duties
- Training and study at work: your rights
- Travel disruption and work
- UK bank holidays
- Unpaid carer’s leave
- Unpaid parental leave