Your rights as an agency worker

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What your agency must give you

Your agency must give you information about the work they’re trying to find you.

Before you’re offered a job

Before looking for work for you, your agency must give you:

  • a key information document
  • written terms of engagement - often known as a contract

Key information document

The key information document is a short explanation of how you’ll be paid and what deductions will be applied.

It must include:

  • the minimum rate of pay you can expect
  • a sample payslip giving an estimate of your take home pay after things like National Insurance, Income Tax or private healthcare
  • who is paying you
  • if you have any fees to pay
  • if you’re entitled to any benefits

Your agency does not have to give you a key information document if you’ve already agreed terms of engagement with them before 6 April 2020.

Terms of engagement

The written terms of engagement should include:

  • whether you’re employed under a contract for services or a contract of employment
  • your notice period
  • your pay
  • your holiday entitlement

An agency cannot change your terms and conditions without telling you. If you agree to changes, you must be given a new document with the full details of the changes and the date they changed.

An agency cannot give information about you to any third parties (including current employers or hirers) without your permission.

When you’re offered a job

The agency must give you a written statement that tells you:

  • your start date
  • how long the contract is likely to last
  • the type of work
  • about any expenses you may have to pay
  • the location
  • your hours
  • about any health and safety risks
  • about any experience, training or qualifications needed for the role