Boeing 777-200, V8-BLF, 27 December 2012

Boeing 777-200, V8-BLF


Whilst climbing through FL150 after takeoff from Heathrow Airport, the crew noticed a loud rumbling noise together with a small amount of vibration and observed an Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) exceedence on the right engine. Having performed all the appropriate drills, it appeared that all engine parameters were normal but the crew nevertheless decided to return to Heathrow.

Following an uneventful overweight landing, inspection showed that a large amount of the right engine inboard thrust reverser inner wall structure was missing and the engine nozzle was damaged. This was the fifteenth similar occurrence known to the manufacturer and a number of inspections and modifications were already in place to try to mitigate inner wall damage and potential parts liberation. The aircraft manufacturer has advised that replacement of the thrust reverser inner wall will be required, and may be mandated, for all affected aircraft.

Download report:

Boeing 777-200 V8-BLF 08-13.pdf (213.21 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014