AAIB investigation to Sky Arrow 650T, G-BYCY

Engine failure with forced landing mishap, Upfield Farm, Newport, Gwent, 1 June 2019.


The aircraft was downwind to land after a short cross-country flight, when the pilot became aware of a “rumble” from the engine followed by a stoppage. The pilot turned the aircraft into wind and carried out a forced landing in an uneven field. During the landing the aircraft sustained severe damage and the pilot suffered minor injuries. The engine stoppage was caused by the failure of the No 3 big end bearing. This may have been the result of lubrication failure, but it could not be positively determined whether there was a No 3 bearing problem that led to lubrication failure or a lubrication problem that led to the bearing failure.

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Sky Arrow 650T, G-BYCY 09-19

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Published 12 September 2019