AAIB investigation to Rans S6-ESD (Modified) Coyote II, G-MYLO

Stalled and descended in to trees during forced landing, North East of Trimdon, County Durham, 29 June 2019.


Whilst flying downwind to land after a cross-country flight, the engine began to run roughly and then stopped. When an attempted restart was unsuccessful, the pilot turned the aircraft into wind and selected a field for a forced landing. The aircraft had to pass over a copse of trees, but as it was sinking more than expected, the pilot attempted to “stretch the glide”. The speed reduced until the aircraft stalled and collided with the trees. Both occupants were unhurt. The pilot commented that there was little wind to help the glide.

AAIB Comment

An aircraft’s glide speed is the airspeed where its lift to drag ratio is the highest. This allows the aircraft to glide the furthest distance for a given altitude loss. Any increase or decrease in airspeed from this optimum speed will shorten the glide distance.

Wind affects the distance an aircraft travels over the ground in a given time. When flying at a steady airspeed, a headwind will reduce an aircraft’s speed relative to the ground, decreasing the distance travelled in a given time.

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Rans S6-ESD (Modified) Coyote II, G-MYLO 12-2019

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Published 13 December 2019