AAIB investigation to Quik GT450, G-TPWL

Loss of control during landing, Ashcroft Airfield, Cheshire, 12 May 2019.


The pilot was returning to land following a local flight, during which he reported there had been occasional “short bursts of wind” from the west that had resulted in a “bumpy flight”. Joining the airfield overhead, the pilot initially observed that the windsock near the centre of the airfield indicated a light wind from the north to north-west, and the windsock in the northwest corner indicated a light wind from the west. A few minutes later the pilot noted that smoke from a fire a few miles away indicated a light wind from the north and that both windsocks now indicated nil wind.

The pilot decided to land on Runway 31 and reported that the approach was normal, but shortly after moving the throttle lever to idle and at a height of about 10 to 15 ft above the runway a “burst of wind” caused the left wing to lift and the aircraft veered to the right. The pilot levelled the wing but the aircraft was now parallel to the runway and it touched down heavily into long grass. After a short landing roll the nose tipped forward before the aircraft rolled onto its right side. The pilot was unhurt and vacated the aircraft unaided.

Download report:

Quik GT450, G-TPWL 07-19

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Glossary of abbreviations

Published 11 July 2019