AAIB investigation to Quik GT450, G-CEUH

Loss of control during landing, East Fortune Airfield, East Lothian, 30 July 2017.


After a short local pleasure flight, the pilot joined overhead at East Fortune Airfield and noted that the wind favoured a landing on grass Runway 25. He descended the aircraft and flew a left-hand circuit, reducing power on final approach to practise a glide approach. The aircraft sank more quickly than the pilot expected and he had to reapply power to maintain the correct approach path. After he crossed the runway’s threshold, the pilot reduced power and flared the aircraft for landing. However, the aircraft continued to descend, hit the ground and bounced into the air again. The aircraft then hit the ground a second time, nosed over and rolled to the right.

The pilot who was wearing a protective helmet suffered minor injuries and attributed the accident to allowing his airspeed to reduce too much, just prior to initiating the landing flare.

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Quik GT450, G-CEUH 12-17

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Published 14 December 2017