AAIB investigation to Piper PA-28R-201T Turbo Cherokee Arrow III, G-DDAY

Loss of control during go-around, Nottingham Airport, 22 October 2019.


The pilot, with a passenger, was conducting a 90-day, three takeoffs and landings revalidation and had completed two of these without incident. The weather was good, and the wind was from 230° at 10 kt.

On the third landing, the aircraft touched down on Runway 21 ‘on the numbers’; the pilot reduced flap to two stages and selected full throttle. Directional control was lost, and the aircraft veered off the runway to the left and became airborne just as the propeller contacted rough ground.

The aircraft became difficult to control and the pilot flew a low downwind leg to return to the airfield. Once within the airfield boundary, the aircraft became uncontrollable and it struck the ground just north of Runway 27 incurring substantial damage.

Both pilot and passenger were wearing lap and diagonal harnesses and only the passenger suffered minor injuries. The reason for the loss of directional control is not known.

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Piper PA-28R-201T Turbo Cherokee Arrow III, G-DDAY 02-20

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Published 13 February 2020