AAIB investigation to Piper PA-28-181, G-JANT

Landed long and overshot grass strip, Bolt Head Airfield, Kingsbridge, Devon, 30 April 2021.


The pilot overflew the 600 m grass strip, which was familiar to him, and after seeing that there was no wind decided to land on runway 11 to avoid the glare of the sun on the approach to Runway 29. The aircraft was high on the first approach, so the pilot decided to go around.

On the next approach, with full flap selected, the pilot slowed the aircraft from a 70 kt approach speed, flared and touched down about 50 m beyond the threshold. After bouncing once, the brakes were progressively applied to slow the aircraft on the damp grass. The pilot sensed that the aircraft was not slowing as anticipated so released and pumped the brakes, but without much apparent effect. Seeing the 4 ft wire boundary fence about 150 m ahead, the pilot decided to go around. Two stages of flap were selected, and full power applied. The pilot allowed the aircraft to accelerate for “as long as possible” before pulling back on the stick. As the aircraft got airborne the pilot “possibly heard the stall warner and so pushed forward slightly to gather speed”. However, the aircraft’s landing gear contacted the fence and a second 4 ft wire fence 2 m beyond, after which the nosewheel and right undercarriage became detached. The aircraft came to a stop after sliding for about 300 m into field boundary fence (Figure 1).

The pilot and passengers were unharmed and exited the aircraft once the pilot had removed the ignition key and turned off the fuel. The pilot later confirmed that the brakes were working correctly when tested during taxiing prior to takeoff from the departure airfield.

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Piper PA-28-181, G-JANT

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Published 8 July 2021