AAIB investigation to Pegasus Quik, G-OKEM

Runway excursion on landing, Culbokie Airfield, Ross and Cromarty, 20 June 2016.


The pilot arrived overhead Culbokie Airfield, 7 nm NNW of Inverness, after an uneventful flight from Perth and joined the circuit for Runway 21. Whilst downwind, he observed the windsock indicating around 30° off the runway centreline, in rough agreement with the METAR and TAF obtained from Inverness Airport, and set-up for a higher speed approach to take into account the forecasted gusty conditions. The pilot stated that his approach was normal with no evidence of any strong gusting or crosswind, reporting only some buffeting as he passed 80 ft high trees on short finals. However, upon landing the aircraft bounced twice and, despite the pilot attempting a go-around on the second bounce, the left wingtip struck the ground causing the aircraft to roll onto its side. The pilot, who was wearing a helmet and three-point harness, suffered minor injury but was able to vacate the aircraft with the assistance of a passer-by. The pilot attributed the accident to having flared too high, coupled with the possibility that he may have experienced some windshear from trees abeam the runway.

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Pegasus Quik, G-OKEM 10-16

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Published 13 October 2016