AAIB investigation to Luscombe 8A Silvaire, G-BRJK

Engine power loss during attempted go-around, Chilbolton Airfield, nr Andover, Hampshire, 27 December 2016.


The pilot was landing on Runway 06 at Chilbolton Airfield, a grass runway with power lines to the side and across the extended centreline. The pilot crossed the threshold approximately 10 mph faster than normal, bounced after touchdown and elected to go around. The engine faltered when power was demanded. Rather than risk not clearing the hedge at the end of the runway and power lines ahead, he cut the power, landed and applied full brakes. The aircraft struck the hedge at approximately 15-25 mph and was brought to a halt. The pilot was not injured but the hedge and the aircraft were damaged.

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Luscombe 8A Silvaire, G-BRJK 06-17

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Published 9 June 2017