AAIB investigation to Lancair 320, G-PJMT

Right main landing gear failed to extend, Little Snoring Airfield, Norfolk, 7 October 2022.


During pre-landing checks the pilot observed that the right main landing gear had not locked down. Despite the use of emergency procedures, it remained retracted, and the pilot landed the aircraft on the nose and left landing gear. As the aircraft slowed, it slewed off the runway and sustained damage to the wing tip, propeller and nose landing gear. The pilot and passenger were uninjured. Examination of the aircraft found the right landing gear shock absorber had discharged and prevented the strut from extending as its wheel left the ground. In this condition the tyre caught on the edge of the wheel bay and prevented the gear from lowering.

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Lancair 320, G-PJMT 03-23

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Published 9 March 2023