AAIB investigation to Jetstream 4100, G-MAJC

Emergency evacuation, Hawarden Airport, Chester, 16 October 2017.


During a descent into Hawarden Airport, at around FL150, the flight crew noticed a burning smell. Oxygen masks were donned, a mayday was declared and an expedited approach was carried out to land on Runway 22. The crew experienced some difficulty in communication, both internal and external, while using their oxygen masks. After landing the aircraft was taxied clear of the runway, brought to a stop, and an emergency evacuation was carried out.

The burning smell was as a result of smoke and dust carried in the atmosphere from North Africa and Iberia.

The report highlights safety action taken by the operator in relation to its procedures, and other agencies in relation to the promulgation of information in unusual meteorological circumstances such as these.

Bulletin correction

A Bulletin correction was issued post-printing and prior to publication - the correction and the amended report can be viewed below.

Download Bulletin correction:

Jetstream 4100, G-MAJC Correction 08-18

Download report:

Jetstream 4100, G-MAJC 07-18

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Published 12 July 2018