AAIB investigation to Hughes 500 Model 369E, G-MRRR

Loss of control during approach to land, private site near Reading, Berkshire, 24 March 2017.


The helicopter was slowing to land at a private site, and to avoid overflying bystanders, the pilot modified his track and made his approach from the north-west corner of the site, over fields. As the helicopter entered the site, translational lift was lost and the pilot reacted by raising the collective and simultaneously applying left pedal. The helicopter started to spin in a clockwise direction whilst descending, but the pilot was unable to regain control and the aircraft landed heavily, damaging the skids and rolling over on to its side. The pilot and passenger vacated the aircraft unaided.

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Hughes 500 Model 369E, G-MRRR 08-17

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Published 10 August 2017