AAIB investigation to Grumman AA-5 Traveller, G-BASH and Cessna 172N Skyhawk, G-BRBI

Ground collision Popham Airfield, Hampshire, 2 February 2016.


The pilot reported that he had made a local flight from Popham in order to maintain currency. The wind was from 260° at 18 kt, gusting to 28 kt, and the grass was wet.

After an uneventful landing on Runway 26 the aircraft vacated the runway and became stuck in soft ground. The pilot called on the radio for assistance but, shortly afterwards, found he was able to continue taxiing. After about 50 m he lost control of the aircraft on a slight downslope. It then swung left and collided with the left wing of a stationary aircraft. The aircraft sustained damage to its propeller and the engine was shock loaded. The other aircraft’s left wing was damaged.

The pilot commented that he had underestimated the effect of the wet grass, downslope and gusty tailwind, adding that the cause was pressure he put on himself to maintain currency.

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Grumman AA-5 Traveller, G-BASH and Cessna 172N Skyhawk, G-BRBI 06-16

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Published 9 June 2016