AAIB investigation to Europa, G-FLOR

Left door detached in flight, Brinkworth, Wiltshire, 23 June 2021.


The pilot was on a local flight from Cotswold Airport with a passenger. The aircraft was flying at approximately 100 kt and 2,500 ft amsl when, without warning, the left cockpit door detached. After checking that the aircraft’s control responses appeared normal, the pilot returned to Cotswold where the aircraft landed without further incident. Subsequent inspection of the left tailplane identified minor damage to the leading edge and upper surface consistent with it having been struck by the door.

This was the eighth event involving the inadvertent opening of cockpit doors fitted to Europa aircraft operated in the UK. The LAA have developed and issued a modification to the Europa to prevent the door latch lever reaching the closed position when the door is not properly latched.

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Europa, G-FLOR 01-22

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Published 13 January 2022