AAIB investigation to ERJ 170-100 LR, G-CIXW

Pitch trim failure on descent to Birmingham Airport, 7 June 2021.


The pilots were alerted to a pitch trim failure and associated autopilot failure which resulted in greater nose-down control forces in pitch, requiring the pilot to use more force to control the aircraft than was normal for an approach. With both hands on the yoke, the PF flew a stable approach and made a safe landing. On landing, the pilots were alerted to a fault in the steering system. No injuries or damage were reported.

The pitch trim fault was probably caused by the jamming of the actuator ball nut due to the freezing of water that had entered the component, itself probably the result of condensation. The steering system fault was due to a sensor failure unrelated to the pitch trim fault.

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ERJ 170-100 LR, G-CIXW 10-22

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Published 13 October 2022