AAIB investigation to Cosmik Aviation EV-97 Eurostar, G-CDNG

Loss of directional control on takeoff, Private airstrip near Gloucester, 5 July 2014.


The weather was fine, with a light and variable wind. The pilot commenced the takeoff in a northerly direction on the 400 m grass airstrip. The aircraft deviated to the left and ran off the prepared surface into a wheat field, where it came to rest pitched forward onto its nose. The pilot, who was uninjured, vacated the aircraft without assistance. He thought that his aircraft had been subject to a gust of wind at the same time as it encountered a bump on the runway, causing him to lose directional control.

Download report:

Cosmik Aviation EV-97 Eurostar G-CDNG 09-14.pdf (127.09 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014