AAIB investigation to Cessna 172P Skyhawk, G-BNRR

Hit parked vehicle while taxiing, North Weald, 4 September 2015.

## Summary:

After landing at North Weald Airfield the aircraft was taxying to the allocated parking area following the taxiway centreline. As it approached a vehicle which was parked on the edge of the taxiway, the pilot was distracted by some children that he saw running in the direction of his aircraft with no physical barrier to prevent them from becoming a hazard. The left wingtip of the aircraft struck the parked vehicle and yawed left before stopping. The pilot shut down and vacated the aircraft normally. The aircraft’s rear right window had cracked in the accident.

The pilot stated that whilst distracted by the children he misjudged the space available on the taxiway between his aircraft and the parked vehicle.

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Cessna 172P Skyhawk, G-BNRR 01-16

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Published 14 January 2016