AAIB investigation to Britten-Norman Islander BN2B-26, VP-FBR

Left engine failure, 9 nm south of Mount Pleasant Airport, Falkland Islands, 4 September 2017.


Approximately 10 minutes after takeoff the commander heard a loud “bang”, which was accompanied by strong vibration and white smoke was seen emanating from the left engine. He shut down the engine in accordance with the emergency procedure and commenced a shallow dive to increase airspeed until the smoke had ceased. A MAYDAY was declared and the aircraft returned to Mount Pleasant Airport where it landed without further incident.

Initial inspection found a hole in the left engine top cowling. When the cowling was removed, a hole in the crankcase and some liberated internal engine parts were apparent.

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Britten-Norman Islander BN2B-26, VP-FBR 01-18

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Published 11 January 2018