AAIB investigation to Agusta Westland AW189, G-MCGR

Pilot became temporarily spatially disorientated in cloud at night, Beinn Narnain, Scotland, 17 February 2018.


The helicopter was tasked to rescue three climbers in the area of the Beinn Narnain mountain. The flight was at night and the crew made several attempts to reach them from different directions but due to low cloud were unable to do so. On the fourth attempt, from another direction, the visual references seen through each pilot’s Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) were lost and a turn back down the re-entrant was attempted. Due to the proximity of the ground, the pilot climbed the helicopter but lost airspeed after which the helicopter yawed to the right. The Pilot Flying (PF) attempted to use the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) upper modes to assist him but decoupled them because they caused the collective control lever to lower. The helicopter spot-turned through some 370° before regaining VMC on top. Control was regained and the aircraft subsequently landed. The crew liaised with the Mountain Rescue Team (MRT) who recovered the climbers on foot.

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Agusta Westland AW189, G-MCGR 09-19

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Published 15 August 2019