AAIB investigation to Aerotechnik EV-97 Eurostar, G-CCBK

Overran landing area, Harthill Court Farm, Gloucestershire, 28 August 2017.


The aircraft was landing at a field site with an approximate landing run of 320 m available. The wind was light and the pilot judged the wind direction from a nearby wind turbine. Conditions for the approach were described as “a bit thermic” and the pilot stated that he was a “bit fast” and landed approximately 100 m into the field leaving a landing run of 220 m. The pilot believed he may have encountered a light tailwind during the landing roll and that the aircraft felt “unsettled”. Concerned about a go-around due to 40 ft trees on the overrun end of the field he elected to steer towards a gap in the hedge. The aircraft stopped on top of the hedge sustaining damage to both wings, the propeller and the landing gear but the pilot was unharmed.

The POH for the aircraft quotes a braked landing distance of 260 m. This landing was made uphill, so improving the deceleration, but no factoring for this is offered in the POH. The pilot had not carried out any landing performance calculations as he used this field frequently. CAA Safety Sense leaflet 07 contains useful advice on performance planning for GA Pilots.

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Aerotechnik EV-97 Eurostar, G-CCBK 11-17

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Published 9 November 2017