Tax, benefits, pensions and working abroad

Includes how to pay tax, claim State Pension and get tax credits abroad.

  1. Claiming benefits if you live, move or travel abroad

    Benefits you can claim if you go abroad and countries with social security arrangements with the UK

  2. Moving or retiring abroad

    What you need to know if you move or retire abroad - tax, pensions, voting and contacting your local council

  3. National Insurance if you work abroad

    Find out if you need to pay National Insurance in the UK or in the country you are visiting when you work abroad.

  4. State Pension if you retire abroad

    How to claim State Pension if you're overseas - payment, tax, change of circumstances - contact the International Pension Centre

  5. Tax credits if you leave or move to the UK

    Tax credits if you live abroad, go travelling, are a cross-border worker or subject to immigration control

  6. Tax on foreign income

    Find out whether you need to pay UK tax on foreign income - residence and ‘non-dom’ status, tax returns, claiming relief if you’re taxed twice (including certificates of residence)

  7. Tax on your UK income if you live abroad

    Find out whether you need to pay tax on your UK income while you're living abroad - non-resident landlord scheme, tax returns, claiming relief if you’re taxed twice, personal allowance of tax-free income, form R43

  8. Work in an EU country

    Where you can work, your rights, healthcare, tax and National Insurance payments.