Fuel Duty

Fuel Duty is included in the price you pay for petrol, diesel and other fuels used in vehicles or for heating.

You also pay standard rate VAT at 20% on most fuel, or the reduced rate of 5% on domestic heating fuel.

Fuel Duty rates

The rate you pay depends on the type of fuel.

Type of fuel Rate
Petrol, diesel, biodiesel and bioethanol 52.95 pence per litre
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 28.88 pence per kg
Natural gas used as fuel in vehicles, for example biogas 22.57 pence per kg
‘Fuel oil’ burned in a furnace or used for heating 9.78 pence per litre

You pay different rates on other types of fuel, depending on how they’re used.

You may have to pay a penalty and could have your vehicle seized if you use ‘rebated’ oils like red diesel or kerosene on public roads. Report red diesel used on public roads to the Customs Hotline.