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  • Closed: Transform was a partnership between FCDO and Unilever that pilots and tests innovative business models that meet low income household needs.

  • Practical tools and help for people working on transformation in government.

  • Use this form to transform your Madrid Protocol Designation to a UK Trade Mark application.

  • How public procurement will change to improve the way supplies, services and works are procured for the public sector.

  • One IPO Transformation is our five-year programme to completely transform the way we deliver services. Keep up to date with our latest transformation news here.

  • This tool gives a consistent framework and common language for designing and evaluating large government transformation projects.

  • Documents relating to the Changing Futures programme.

  • Policy papers and publications about the transforming rehabilitation programme.

  • The costing transformation programme aims to improve the quality and use of costing information in the NHS, with patient-level costing and a single, national annual cost collection.