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  • Guidance on the validation requirements of the search and comparison algorithm and the method in which it is deployed.

  • Stop and search rates for different ethnic groups in England and Wales.

  • Search for patents and supplementary certificates (SPCs) that have been granted, published and filed

  • A patent registers your invention and lets you take legal action against anyone who makes, uses, sells or imports your invention without your permission.

  • This guide provides information about being arrested in Turkey and what conditions are like in prison there.

  • Opportunity to license Dstl technology: a search manikin to aid forensic reconnaissance in the environment of drowning (FRED).

  • Look up a trade mark to see if something identical or similar to your brand is already registered.

  • Coldingley is a prison for adult men in Woking, Surrey.

  • Nottingham Prison is a men’s prison in the Sherwood area of Nottingham and serves courts in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

  • Investigation to determine if Google has strategic market status in search and search advertising activities and whether these services are delivering good outcomes for people and businesses in the UK.