The National Minimum Wage and Living Wage

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Worker disputes over minimum wage

Workers who think their pay is below the correct minimum wage rate should talk to their employer first.

If this does not solve the problem, they can ask the employer in writing to see their payment records. The worker can take someone with them and make copies of the records.

If an employer owes the worker any arrears they have to pay these back.

Workers can call the confidential Acas helpline to help them solve a payment dispute.

Workers can also make a complaint to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about their employer or employment agency or complain on behalf of someone else.

If the employer refuses payment

If HMRC find that the employer has not paid they will send them a notice for the arrears plus a fine for not paying the minimum wage.

HMRC can take them to court on behalf of the worker if the employer still refuses to pay.

Employment tribunal

Workers can also go directly to the employment tribunal themselves.

Workers who have been dismissed because of a minimum wage dispute can also complain to the employment tribunal for unfair dismissal.