SAM123315 - Returns: trust returns: TSS printout for trust and pension scheme returns
The TSS facility produces a printout which details the action to be taken in connection with the return. The printout will always include
- The figures to be entered on the trust / pension scheme SA record using function CREATE RETURN CHARGE
- A list of the supplementary pages submitted with the return for comparison with the return profile
Note: From 6 April 2000 the return profile is updated automatically following the capture of the return on TSS
And could also include the following
- A list of repairs
- A prompt to deal with the repayment request made on the return
- A prompt to make the necessary changes to the SA record. For example a change to the trustee’s name or address
- A prompt that the case needs to be submitted to IR (Trusts) / Pension Schemes Services
- A prompt that the return contained a claim to reduce payments on account
- A prompt to issue the case to the Centre for Non Residents in respect of a double taxation claim
- A prompt to make the SA trust / pension scheme record dormant where it has ceased
- A prompt to set certain compliance signals
Note: From 6 April 2000 the Mandatory review and Potential Selection for Enquiry signal are passed automatically from TSS to SA
- A prompt to deal with trading losses brought back