PAYE105001 - Individual records: contact history: introduction

A Contact History note should be created each time we receive correspondence, handle a call, review a work item or contact the customer.

The purpose of a Contact History note is

  • To record all actions taken on a customer’s record
  • To record how and where information has been captured
  • To highlight any outstanding information required to complete an action
  • To ensure all relevant information is captured so the customer’s query can be resolved at the earliest opportunity
  • To document the request and receipt of any papers required

How to access Contact History
How a Contact History note is created

How to access Contact History

Contact History can be accessed from the left hand navigation menu and there are 3 options

  • Contact history
  • Output Summary - see Action guide tax80011 for more information
  • Issue Form - see PAYE106000 for more information

How a Contact History note is created

Automatic creation by NPS

If information is processed automatically, NPS will update Contact History and record any communication issued to the customer. Please refer to PAYE105010 for further guidance.

NPS prompts you to create note

If you receive information that results in an update to the customer record, the Insert Contact History Details screen is displayed automatically. Please refer to PAYE105015 for further guidance.

Manual creation by you

The Insert Contact History details screen is not displayed automatically where

  • The information received does not result in a change to the customer record
  • You contact the customer for further information
  • You require further space to complete a note

In these instances, you must manually create a Contact History note, following Action guide tax80011.

You should then enter details by referring to the guidance at PAYE105017 for telephone calls and correspondence or PAYE105020 for work management items.