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Updates: Import preference guidance notes


5 September 2024 published amendments

General principles: preference certificates and certifying authorities

Removed reference to GSP and replaced with DCTS. Removed EU references.

Risks: appeals against officer's decisions

Amended text and address as it was out of date. Added new info and contact details from our updates AOR decision letters.

General principles: tariff quotas

Added links, amended text (removed ceiling)

21 August 2024 published amendments

Guide Notes: Incorrect tariff heading in Box 8 of DCTS Form A

Removed GSP
Added DCTS
Add paragraph on cumulation
Ref to notice 828 removed

Guide Notes: single preference documents covering more than one consignment

Remove GSP, replaced with DCTS
Removed reference to Notice 826

Changes to text explaining when a proof of origin may apply to multiple shipments.

12 August 2024 published amendments

2 August 2024 published amendments

Guide Notes: Preference document covering a single consignment imported against more than one entry (split consignments)

Removed section - action when a preference document is not presented with the entry
Changed guide note title to IPGN5250

Guide Notes: transport rule

Removed references to EU
Deleted Reference to Notice 826 Tariff preferences: Import
Deleted reference to Non manipulation certificates
Deleted - Chinese goods transported via HK or Macao section

Guide Notes: financial securities

Inserted - getting a customs guarantee link and C&E250 link
Deleted - single shipment guarantee sentence
Deleted - Standing guarantee section

1 August 2024 published amendments

Glossary of terms

made changes as discussed

30 July 2024 published amendments

Guide Notes: accessories, spare parts and tools, pallets and packing

Removed reference to EU and added UK
Added origin link
removed risk areas

Introduction: responsibilities of the Tariff Preference UoE

Remove text added Import and export: general enquires

General principles: Binding Origin Information (BOI) Northern Ireland and Advance Origin Rulings (AOR) UK

Removed ECSM
Added AOR and including AOR in the heading
Added AOR and BOI link

Introduction: preference receiving countries

Added UK trade agreement link and deleted 'A list can also be found in Notice 826 Tariff Preferences: Imports'
Added Import goods link

Guide Notes: validity of preference documentation

Removed reference to EU, Notice 826 and GSP from text
Removed -General note on period of validity
Added DCTS, EUR1,EUR MED and proof of origin link

Glossary of terms

Added AOR & BOR
Removed UK from EU
Added Libya and Mauritania to Maghreb
Deleted Mashraq

17 June 2024 published amendments

General principles: the transport rule

Removed EU references. Added UK
Removed link


changed address and team name

14 June 2024 published amendments

Special statements and additional evidence required for certain preference goods

Deleted: Additional information can also be found in S4-2 CAP Goods Imports Special Controls.
added UofE contact details

General principles: preference areas for origin purposes (cumulation)

Deleted EU manual and added this link instead


7 July 2022 published amendments