DMBM617040 - Pre-enforcement: Fast Track recovery action for important and significant cases: tax in danger

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Out of jurisdiction

Where there are indications that assets are likely to be moved out of reach of creditors (Out of Jurisdiction) or the taxpayer is taking steps to pay off all other creditors but HMRC, we must act quickly to secure the revenue owing.

Though these charges may be of relatively low value, they represent a high compliance risk.

Potential for insolvency

Where Compliance feel that insolvency is likely but still feel that charges should be raised to protect HMRC’s position, then they should contact (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) EIS Worthing, who will arrange for the case to be fast tracked.

Cases £500,000 or more

Caseworkers should follow the special procedures where the debt is £500,000 or more and fast insolvency action is required to prevent the debt from escalating further.