DMBM131035 - Manage charges (information) by IT system: Manage charge (information) in SAFE: Amend Effective Date of Payment (EDP) Value Date

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To amend an EDP in SAFE a payment must first be unlinked from the charge against whichit is allocated. This is achieved by using the Reset Payment function to transfer thepayment to Unallocated Payments. For payments already held in Unallocated or UnmatchedPayments the EDP can be amended without resetting. Before amending the EDP the user musthave obtained the SAP payment document number for the relevant payment.

When the payment is unallocated or unmatched the user will select Amend EDP from theManage Charge function. Inputting the SAP Payment Document number will return details ofthe original payment and a revised EDP can be input to the Net Due field.

The payment can now be returned to its original allocation using the Account Maintenancefunction.

Where the EDP is amended following an objection to an interest charge, the charge willhave been reduced to nil when the payment was reset. Any interest paid will also have beentransferred to Unallocated Payments. When the payment is returned to its originalallocation interest will be recalculated and, where appropriate, a revised interest chargeraised.

Where either the Interest Exception or Inhibit Interest signal is set the item will appearon the Clerical Interest Review List when the payment is returned to the original charge.