DMBM105020 - View Customers Accounting Records: View Customer Accounting Records in OPREC

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OPREC Customer Accounting Records

Customer accounting records on OPREC are organised alphabetically and divided into 60 databases. Only one user at a time is allowed update access to a database although others can have view access.

An OPREC record consists of three basic screens

  • the first holds details of the customer, partner and appointee
  • the second provides details of the overpayment
  • the third is the recovery screen.

A record can be accessed in several ways. The easiest way to open a record is to enter the Child Benefit Number. A trace can also be made on the NINO, and other traces can be performed using the customer name or overpayment reference number.

Note: when tracing on the name the customers date of birth, surname, initial or forename is required.

A search can also be made using partner details if these have been previously input into the system.

Customer Reference 

The customer reference for access to an OPREC record is a National Insurance Number (NINO). The reference format is


Overpayment Reference

The overpayment reference number is allocated when a customer record is initially recorded on the database. The reference format is

5 followed by five numbers - for example 512345

Child Benefit Reference

Added on registration. The reference format is


Record Retention

13 weeks after a record is cleared it is removed from the OPREC system. Details of cleared records can be obtained by requesting a Summary Report from the Central Debt Management System (CDMS).