
Submit a diversion request to the Import Control System

Find out when and how to submit a diversion request if a vessel or aircraft will arrive at a different location to that declared.

You should submit a diversion request if a vessel or aircraft diverts to a new customs Office of First Entry in the UK or EU. This must be a different location to:

  • the declared Office of First Entry
  • any of the declared Offices of Subsequent Entry

You must submit the request to the original Office of First Entry.

You do not need to submit a diversion request if the new Office of First Entry is in the same country as the original Office of First Entry.

When and how to submit

You’ll need to submit a diversion request as soon you know about the diversion. This should be before the vessel or aircraft has arrived in the new Office of First Entry.

You can make the diversion request using either:

  • the Entry Key data elements, such as:
    • mode of transport at the border
    • identification of the means of transport crossing the border
    • expected date of arrival at first place of arrival (as declared in the original entry summary declaration)
    • country code of the declared first office of entry
    • declared first place of arrival code
    • actual first place of arrival code
  • the MRN for all the shipments carried on the means of transport, together with:
    • mode of transport at the border
    • country code of declared first office of entry
    • declared first place of arrival code
    • actual first place of arrival code

Diversion under vessel sharing arrangements

The vessel operator or their representative must make the diversion request. Liner shipping companies should use the entry key diversion request.

Cargo diversion

If you discharge goods at an airport different to that originally declared, you can amend the entry summary declaration. You would not need to submit a diversion notification.

What happens next

Customs will notify the actual Office of First Entry of the diversion. This means that the carrier does not need to resubmit all the entry summary declaration about the means of transport to the actual Office of First Entry.

Get more information

If you need more information, contact the Import Control System Helpdesk.

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Published 18 September 2020

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