
What to do when attending an inland border facility

Updated 29 July 2024

Before you go to an inland border facility

You should check what services are offered at each of our inland border facilities as not all inland border facilities carry out the same functions.

Traders using an Authorised Consignor or Consignee (ACC) can start and end transit movement of goods at their own premises. They do not need to attend an inland border facility to do this.

You only need to attend an inland border facility if you’re travelling through the Port of Dover, Eurotunnel or Holyhead and you’re moving:

  • goods into the country and you’ve been instructed to report to a site for those goods to be checked
  • goods under the Common Transit Convention and need to start or end your transit movements — unless you are using the services of an Authorised Consignor or Consignee (ACC)

When you may need to attend an inland border facility

You must follow instructions about whether you need to get your goods checked by customs on arrival or if you’re able to continue your journey.

You should use your goods movement reference number in the ‘Check if you need to report for an inspection’ service to understand if your goods are held.

If an inspection is required, you must check which inspection site you need to attend at your border location. You will need to attend an inland border facility unless you hold an existing commercial agreement. If you hold an existing commercial agreement, then you can report to the Customs checking facility at the border location.

Goods needed for inspection must be kept in the same condition as when they were collected from the trader.

In some cases you may also be stopped by Border Force officers within the port to have checks performed on your vehicle or load. If this happens, you must still attend an inland border facility to complete customs functions if you have received instructions to do so.

You may be liable to pay a penalty of up to £2,500 if you fail to follow HMRC instructions.

When you do not need to come to an inland border facility

You do not need to come to an inland border facility if you:

  • have a vehicle that is empty
  • are travelling in and out of the UK by other ports
  • are using the services of an Authorised Consignor or Consignee (ACC)
  • are using other (non-Common Transit Convention) import or export procedures to move your goods in or out of the UK

Get ‘border ready’

Get ready before you reach Kent

You must be ‘border ready’ before you reach Kent ports or you’ll be turned back and could be fined.

If you’re crossing the Channel through the Eurotunnel or the Port of Dover, you must check a heavy goods vehicle (HGV) is ready to cross the border.

For outbound movements leaving the UK through the Port of Dover or Eurotunnel

If you need to use an inland border facility and are coming to Kent from elsewhere, you should get ready before arriving in Kent. Do not wait until you’ve reached the port in Kent or you will be turned back.

To get ready you should attend the inland border facility at Sevington.


Get ready before you travel to Holyhead, use an Authorised Consignor or Consignee to start or end your transit movement.

Check for more information on getting ready for Welsh ports on the GOV.WALES website.

Documents you’ll need to bring

You’ll need all relevant paperwork in relation to your movement.

Common Transit Convention movements

To start a Common Transit Convention movement out of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), you’ll need to:

  • get from your agent or freight forwarder for every consignment:
    • the local reference number (LRN)
    • either all the export declaration references and include this in a goods movement reference, or a master unique consignment reference (if there is one) in writing
  • show the LRN and either all the export declaration references in a goods movement reference, or a master unique consignment reference in writing, at the office of departure to get a transit accompanying document (TAD)

To end a movement at an office of destination, you’ll need to present the TAD and provide the movement reference number (MRN) for every consignment.

If you’re a trader using an office of destination at an inland border facility, you should make sure import entries are:

  • submitted on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS)

  • arrived when the goods reach the office of destination

If you’re a driver using an office of destination at an inland border facility, you should have details of the customs entries for the consignments you’re carrying. This includes the entry numbers and dates of entry.

Goods without arrived import entries will need temporary storage.

If you’re a driver attending an inland border facility with goods that need temporary storage you may have to use an alternative facility at your own expense.

Inland border facilities cannot be used for commercial storage.

ATA Carnet movements

For both inbound and outbound movements, you’ll need to present the ATA Carnet documents for each consignment.

CITES movements

For both inbound and outbound movements, you’ll need to present a CITES permit for each consignment.

Locations of inland border facilities (listed North to South)

Site Location Functions
Holyhead (inbound and outbound) Holyhead inland border facility service
Parc Cybi,
A55 Junction 2,
LL65 2YQ
End transit movement (office of destination)

Start transit movement (office of departure)

ATA Carnets stamp — pre-booking is required only if ATA Carnet includes live animals

Sevington (inbound and outbound) Sevington inland border facility,
TN25 6GE
For satellite navigation use: 51.132138, 0.914994
Start transit movement (office of departure)

End transit movement (office of destination)

ATA Carnets stamp


Traffic management
Stop 24 (inbound and outbound for excluded vehicles) Stop 24,
Folkestone Services,
Junction 11 M20,
CT21 4BL
End or start transit movement of excluded Sevington vehicles

ATA Carnets are no longer endorsed at Stop 24 from
1 January 2024
Dover Western Docks (inbound and outbound for excluded vehicles) Dover Western Docks,
Lord Warden Square,
CT17 9DN
End or start transit movement of excluded Sevington vehicles

ATA endorsement if presented through commercial operations

Stop 24 and Dover Western Docks

Vehicles that are excluded from Sevington for being oversized or for containing hazardous goods can be processed at these sites.

In the event of a problem with HMRC inland border facilities, we may direct you to Dover Western Docks or Stop 24.

This is in addition to existing commercial operations already provided at these sites.

What to expect when visiting an inland border facility

There will be local signage in place to help direct you to the site along the strategic main roads.

Upon arrival at the site, you’ll be greeted by a traffic management marshal.

There will be automatic number plate recognition cameras at the entry and exit points of the site. This monitors vehicles entering and exiting the site to manage traffic and security.

A quick visual inspection of the vehicle will be done by security marshals at the entry check point. For example, they’ll check that there are no leaks and that the vehicle is not prohibited as a result of these checks.

Following this, you’ll be directed to a vacant parking bay. Once you’ve parked your vehicle, you’ll be asked to switch your engine off by the traffic marshal and to keep it off whilst you’re parked. There should be no idling of engines.

If your goods have been flagged as ‘held’ for a compliance check, you must tell front office staff this when you arrive.

You’ll then take your documents to the front office and be directed to wait in your vehicle while the paperwork is processed. Once this is complete, you’ll receive either an approval and exit receipt to move off site, or a non approval where you will follow a separate process.

You’ll then be able to exit the site and re-join the strategic main road.

Duration of the checks

We estimate that you will need between 1 to 2 hours at the facility to go through customs clearance. Make sure you leave sufficient time when planning your journey.

The sites are manned and operated 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Once you’ve completed the paperwork process, you can return to your vehicle and you should leave immediately.

Facilities available on sites

All sites will provide water, toilets, and handwashing facilities. Additional facilities are offered on a site-by-site basis as outlined in each site-specific section. Cookers and fires are not permitted on-site.

If your vehicle is excluded

It’s possible that vehicles may arrive at the site which are classed as ‘excluded’ from the requirement to park on the site. This is based on things like load content, vehicle size and the presence of hazardous goods. If there are any issues, your vehicle will be moved to the marshal inspection bays for further examination by a senior security marshal.

Vehicles are excluded if they contain:

  • any vehicle transporting abnormal loads, which are:
    • a weight of more than 44,000 kilograms (kg)
    • an axle load of more than 10,000kg for a single non-driving axle and 11,500kg for a single driving axle
    • a width of more than 2.9 metres (m)
    • a rigid length of more than 18.65m
  • the following hazardous goods:
    • class 1 substances and articles (explosives) and class 4.1 substances (polymerizing substances)
    • category I or II nuclear material
    • high consequence dangerous goods
    • class 6.1 substances (insecticides)
  • vehicles subject to Special Types General Order (STGO) 2003

Holyhead restrictions on tankers

Holyhead cannot receive tankers containing over 3,000 litres of hazardous or contaminant liquid.

The Holyhead facility has no penstock valve to help drain away spillages.

Liquid contaminants include organic matter which is highly polluting to watercourses, such as:

  • milk
  • food
  • crops
  • dirty water
  • silage effluent and slurry