
Large yachts: construction and maintenance standards

Large Commercial Yacht Code requirements: construction, maintenance, operation, and responsibilities for surveying and certifying of large commercial yachts.


There are different requirements for the classification, certification and survey of vessels, which must be adhered to.

The requirements for the construction, maintenance and operation of all large commercial yachts are provided by the Large Commercial Yacht Code (LY2).

Large commercial yachts are defined as vessels that:

  • are in commercial use for sport or pleasure
  • are 24 metres and over in load line length, or if built before 21 July 1968, 150 gross tonnes (gt) or over
  • carry no cargo
  • carry no more than 12 passengers

LY2 only applies to large commercial yachts which are less than 3,000gt.

This guide explains how LY2 sets standards for the construction, equipment carriage requirements, operation and examination of large commercial yachts. It also sets out Ensign’s (the MCA’s Large Yacht Services) responsibilities for surveying and certifying large yachts under the Code.

The Large Commercial Yacht Code

LY2 was developed to establish standards of safety and pollution prevention appropriate to the size and use of these vessels. In general, these standards are set by international conventions or equivalent standards.

LY2 is regularly reviewed and revised to take into account technical developments and the needs of the industry - the most recent revision was in 2007.

The Code has the force of law in the UK. Read LY2 for comprehensive guidance on the construction, equipment carriage requirements, operation and examination of large commercial yachts. [Download Merchant Shipping Notice 1792 (M) LY2]

You can find Ensign’s guidance on LY2.

Read about Ensign’s Large Yacht Services on the MCA website.

Construction standards

The LY2 sets standards for the construction and equipment carriage requirements of large commercial yachts.

You can find guidance on LY2 from Ensign at.

Maintenance standards

The LY2 requires that all large commercial yachts are maintained to a consistently high standard.

You can find guidance on surveying and certification by Ensign.

Operational standards

The LY2 sets out standards for the operation of large yachts.

Further information

Download Merchant Shipping Notice 1792 (M) The Large Commercial Yacht Code (LY2)

Ensign LY2 guidance

Ensign Large Yacht Services information

Ensign surveying and certification guidance

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Published 8 October 2012

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