
Infrastructure and Projects Authority: international support

Find out how the Infrastructure and Projects Authority supports UK infrastructure abroad and helps overseas governments.

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) provides advice and support on infrastructure from a government perspective.

It helps overseas governments, public sector authorities, regional development banks and multilateral organisations. It also supports UK government departments’ objectives overseas.

The international team works with UK government posts abroad in coordinating its work. It may be able to advise on any available funding.

What we do

We provide:

  • strategic advice to overseas governments, regional development banks, multilateral organisations and think tanks, for example on assurance, project preparation, project structuring and finance PPP programmes and units, and national infrastructure plans
  • training to overseas governments and multilateral officials on infrastructure topics
  • information, contacts and commercial advice on infrastructure related issues to support HM Government’s engagements overseas including our infrastructure alliances with China and Brazil
  • a point of contact for UK government overseas infrastructure expertise

We also:

  • organise and take part in overseas seminars, conferences, trade missions and events
  • share information with UK businesses and industry groups on overseas opportunities

Find out more about our international work.

Where we work

IPA has worked with over 50 governments around the world.

We are also in regular contact with, governments and international institutions across the world. We are a member of the European PPP Expertise Centre and have close relations with bodies including the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank,Global Infrastructure Hub, United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

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The IPA has produced a series of publications that you may find helpful.

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Published 24 August 2017

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