
HM Land Registry: ownership and extent data

Local authorities can view the extent of registered titles for a local authority administrative area.

This guidance was withdrawn on

We no longer provide ownership and extent data to new customers.

Applies to England and Wales

This service is only available to local authorities

Get an aerial mapping and registration view of registered titles within a borough, to view on your Geographical Information System (GIS) software. Public sector owned information is supplied and highlighted for free.

With it you can:

  • gain a full overview of private and public owned assets to assist with infrastructure or development projects
  • create an internal search mechanism and centralised data depository
  • keep records of property and land data up to date
  • manage assets and liabilities
  • inform planning or policy decisions
  • identify ownership patterns within areas of interest


The cost of the service depends on the level of privately owned data within the borough boundary and the level of data required. All prices do not include VAT.

option cost
polygons titles and tenure 5p per title
polygons titles, tenure, address & private ownership details £1.05 per title

Monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or annual updates are available on both the spatial and ownership data.

More information

To find out more about this service, please contact us.

Data Services Team

HM Land Registry
Rosebrae Court
Woodside Ferry Approach
CH41 6DU


Contact form https://customerhelp.l...

Telephone 0300 006 0478

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Published 8 June 2016

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