
Future Workforce and Human Performance Programme

The Future Workforce and Human Performance Programme helps develop novel approaches to securing Defence’s people capability now and for the future.

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An inclusive, sufficient, capable and motivated workforce ensures optimum performance.

For the Ministry of Defence (MOD), investment in human capability can deliver operational advantage. The Future Workforce and Human Performance Programme brings together the science and technology (S&T) to develop robust and novel approaches to securing Defence’s people capability now and for the future.

This includes approaches to position Defence to recruit, prepare, retain, reward, and exploit human-centred system design. The programme’s aim is to better enable MOD to respond to future opportunities, threats and strategic change.

Simulation training

Soldiers inside a simulation tent during a training exercise. Crown copyright

The workforce (including all ‘whole force’ components) will continue to be at the heart of defence capability within the future operating environment.

This programme covers a wide range of activities including:

  • novel concepts and approaches to develop the future workforce
  • innovative approaches to strategic workforce issues
  • optimising human physical and cognitive performance
  • integration of humans into systems with improved user-centred technology insertion

Key activities

  • Methods to articulate people-related future opportunities and threats
  • Novel concepts and approaches to developing the future workforce, such as simulation in training
  • Developing innovative tools for maximising human performance, including physical, cognitive and human augmentation
  • New insights to improve inclusivity within the workforce
  • Future concepts for recruit, educate, manage, train and retain

For more information about this programme, please contact us:

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Published 1 January 2018

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