
Examples of Reducing Parental Conflict in local services

Examples to show how some local authorities and their partners have integrated elements of parent conflict provision into mainstream services for families.

Applies to England

The examples below show how some local authorities have integrated approaches to reduce parental conflict. These examples may reference local area partners/suppliers or specific products. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is not recommending a particular local authority or endorsing a supplier (or their products).

The examples are not exhaustive but give an indication of the variety of useful learning materials and resources available. The list will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to show new and different approaches to reduce parental conflict.

Brighton and Hove

Brighton and Hove’s Parent Relationships section on their website offers support to parents who want to find ways to improve their relationship. The resources also provide support for professionals across the city who are helping parents to reduce conflict in their relationship.

The section includes the Getting On Better Cards. These cards, developed in partnership with OnePlusOne, have been designed to help parents recognise patterns in their relationship and think about their relationship in a new way. This can help to reduce tension and arguments, and improve communication.


Warwickshire County Council have created resources to provide relationship support for partners, families and extended families. The resources include a factsheet to give separating parents information about local support available and guides for family activities in the region.

Watch an animation to see the impact of couple conflict on children:

Supporting healthy family relationships


Hertfordshire council offer face-to-face and online services to support parents in conflict. The face-to-face services include:

  • couple mediation
  • couple counselling
  • conflict coaching

There are also toolkits available to help professionals working with parents. Find out more about relationship support for parents in Hertfordshire.

Yorkshire and the Humber

Relationship Matters is a partnership between 15 councils across Yorkshire and the Humber Region helping families who may be having relationship difficulties.

Read more about the Relationship Matters programme and find support available in different local areas.


Rochdale have created a relationship manifesto to raise awareness of the impact of relationships. The manifesto:

  • develops a clear strategy for reducing family conflict
  • establishes a lead group to monitor our progress
  • promotes a joined up, coordinated response
  • names relationship champions to promote relationship change and developments
  • creates a training package for groups working with families

Training has been offered to hundreds of frontline staff, partners and volunteers to give them the skills to support couples and families.

Find out more about Reducing Family Conflict resources available for relationship support in Rochdale.


Worcestershire have created Harmony at Home, a practitioner toolkit, which can be used by practitioners to promote and support Reducing Parental Conflict.

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Published 18 January 2021

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