
Dance and Drama Awards guide for 2017 to 2018 academic year

Advice for Dance and Drama Award institutions for the 2017 to 2018 academic year.

This guidance was withdrawn on

This page is about the 2017 to 2018 academic year. Please visit our student support page for the latest information.


This information is for institutions offering Dance and Drama Award (DaDA) funding. Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) provides the funding for the DaDA scheme.

Only institutions who are ESFA approved to administer the scheme can offer DaDA funding to students. DaDA offers income assessed support for tuition fees and living costs. It is available at a number of high quality private dance and drama institutions in England. The intention is that DaDA will contribute to the costs of studying for talented young people who want to become professional actors and dancers.

Only students enrolled on the Trinity College London (TCL) Level 5 and 6 Professional Diplomas in Dance, Acting and Musical Theatre are eligible for DaDA funding.

The most important criterion in allocating DaDA funding is for institutions to identify students with the most potential to succeed in the profession based on their talent as judged at audition.

DaDA funding in the 2017 to 2018 academic year

Income assessment

Students starting their course in the 2017 to 2018 academic year have their eligibility for DaDA funding determined by the institution. Institutions do this at audition, based on students’ talent and potential to succeed in the industry.

Institutions assess the amount of financial support a student is entitled to based on nationally set income bands. Household income is used to determine the level of financial support for both fees and living costs (maintenance).

Institutions will normally use the income assessment undertaken at the beginning of the students’ first academic year on the TCL diploma course to set the amount of tuition fee support for the whole of their course. However, an income assessment must be undertaken each year to establish the amount of living costs support the student is entitled to receive.

Institutions are required to undertake income assessments for new starters (for both tuition fees and living costs) and for students who are returning for their second and third year (for living costs only) using the income bands for the 2017 to 2018 academic year.

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)

DSA will continue to be available in the 2017 to 2018 academic year. The rules remain the same and to apply for DSA, students must have been assessed as eligible for DaDA support (fees only or fees and living costs). A change to the administrative process for DSA is being introduced for the 2017 to 2018 academic year. Under the revised process, ESFA will continue to assess all DSA applications from students.

Institutions will now be responsible for making payments:

  • to all suppliers
  • to Assessment Centres
  • for the purchase of specialist equipment
  • for study skills support for students

Institutions are required to communicate the type and amount of DSA support that has been agreed to students and to maintain records of expenditure for each student to ensure that the agreed maximum amounts are not exceeded.

Student eligibility


To be eligible to receive DaDA funding in the 2017 to 2018 academic year, students must be aged:

  • 16 or over but under 23 years old at the start of the academic year to apply for a dance course
  • 18 or over but under 23 at the start of the academic year to apply for an acting course


Institutions can only give DaDA funding to students who satisfy one of the following residency conditions:

  • they are a British citizen and have lived in the UK for at least 3 years prior to the start of their course
  • they have settled status and have been ordinarily resident in the UK, for at least 3 years prior to the start of their course
  • they are a national of any European Union (EU) country or the spouse or civil partner or child of an EU national, and have been ordinarily resident in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland for at least the 3 years prior to the start of their course
  • they are an EEA migrant worker who has the right to work in the UK, or the spouse or civil partner or child of an EEA migrant worker, who has been ordinarily resident in the UK at the start of their course, and have been ordinarily resident in the EEA or Switzerland throughout the 3 years prior to that or
    • a child of a Swiss national who is ordinarily resident in the UK at the start of their course and have been ordinarily resident in the EEA or Switzerland for the three years prior to that or
    • a child of a Turkish migrant worker who has the right to work in the UK and who is ordinarily resident in the UK at the start of their course and have been ordinarily resident in the EEA, Switzerland or Turkey for the 3 year period prior to that
  • they have been granted refugee status by the UK government, or are the spouse or civil partner or child of someone with refugee status, or have been granted Humanitarian Protection, or have EU Temporary Protection

DaDA living costs support is only available to students who are ordinarily resident in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, in other words they are a permanent resident in the UK. Students from EU countries are not eligible to receive living cost support.

Allocations to institutions

The intention of DaDA funding is to contribute towards the costs of training. It is not intended to cover all costs of the training in full.

ESFA issued allocation letters to each institution confirming their total amount of DaDA funding in March 2017. Institutions should use allocations to support continuing students already in receipt of DaDA funding and new students applying for the first time.

Institutions should manage DaDA funding at their own discretion but in accordance with the criteria explained in this guide. This includes deciding whether they wish to allocate all the funding, or hold a small contingency fund to respond to issues later in the year.

ESFA calculate the allocation of funding based on historical trends in take-up by income band. Each institution should be able to afford to support a similar number of students this academic year as they have done in the past.

ESFA will make allocation payments in two instalments; approximately two-thirds (70%) in August 2017 and the remaining one-third (30%) in April 2018.

Institutions may use up to 5% of the total allocation of funding for administration costs.

Underspends and spending flexibility

ESFA will reconcile any underspent funds from institutions in the 2017 to 2018 academic year. Institutions cannot carry under-spends forward into future years.

In-year reconciliation of funds will take place in December 2017. Where the October data return identifies institutions are holding high levels of unspent funds, ESFA will recover some of these funds and make them available for re-distribution to other institutions. This process, which was revised in the 2016 to 2017 academic year, will ensure that funds are used to support as many talented students as possible. Institutions request additional funds by submitting a business case.

ESFA will send further details about process, including a business case template for completion, to institutions in November 2017.

As in previous academic years, institutions may use discretion and flexibility in their allocated DaDA funding. They can do this to provide partial funding for talented students if they have insufficient funds to provide the full support the student should receive.

Institutions must ensure they communicate to students and parents how they are using this flexibility so that their use of DaDA funding is clear and transparent. Institutions must ensure that they only give out partial funding awards after all successful students applying for DaDA have been fully income assessed and the full DaDA funding process has been completed.

Application, income assessment and payment of DaDA

The most important criterion in allocating DaDA funding is that institutions firstly identify at audition those students with the most potential to succeed in the profession based on their talent.

When auditioning students, institutions must implement The Code of Practice for Auditions and Interviews produced by the Council for Dance Education and Training (CDET). Institutions must set out the procedures students must follow to audition for a place and DaDA funding.

Provisional and final awards

Institutions may offer provisional awards and final awards. Institutions may offer provisional awards before a student formally accepts a place. Institutions should not offer provisional awards to students prior to 1 March 2017.

Institutions can only offer final awards when the student has formally accepted a place and they have received a completed DaDA application form and carried out a full income assessment.

The DaDA application/assessment flowchart sets out the application and assessment process for funding. The flowchart is for information only and ESFA recognises that processes may vary in institutions.

DaDA Application/Assessment Flowchart – new students (PDF, 189 KB, 1 page)

Institutions are reminded that CDET will continue to manage the clearing process for the 2017 to 2018 academic year.

Applying for DaDA funding

Institutions should use the application forms supplied by ESFA when assessing the amount of DaDA a student is eligible to receive.

The Self-Declaration of Income form enables institutions to carry out an initial assessment of the student’s household and determine an indicative level of support they may be eligible to receive. The student should complete this form when they are offered a provisional place at the institution.

Institutions may make provisional DaDA funding offers at this stage. Any provisional amount of DaDA funding stated by the institution to the student must be clearly explained to the student as based on the information they supplied on the self-declaration form. The institution must make clear that the funding amount quoted to them is not guaranteed but is subject to verification and confirmation via the main DaDA application form.

Once a student has formally accepted their place, they must complete the main DaDA application form to determine the final amount of funding they are eligible to receive. Institutions can only confirm funding after they have undertaken the full income assessment using the information from the main application form and appropriate supporting evidence. Institutions must ensure that students fully understand this.

Income Assessment

Institutions use the student’s household income from the previous tax year for the income assessment. For the 2017 to 2018 academic year, this is the 2016 to 2017 tax year. Income evidence can include:

  • Tax Credit Award Notice
  • Award of benefits notice or evidence from employment (P60, P9D, P11D) or self-employment

Institutions should also take unearned income into account such as,

  • shares and investments
  • savings
  • pensions and
  • any income from rental property

Tuition Fees

The income assessment undertaken at the start of the student’s course for tuition fees should normally last for the length of the student’s course. Institutions have the discretion to re-assess fees at the end of the academic year only where the student can provide evidence of a dramatic change of circumstances. Examples might include a long-term change that affects their current circumstance or a change that occurred for the whole of the previous academic year.

In-year reassessment of tuition fee costs can only take place in exceptional cases such as disability or death of a parent or carer.

Living Costs (maintenance)

Income assessment for funding living costs must be undertaken on an annual basis. Students must submit a new application for living costs support each academic year.

In-year reassessment of living costs support can only take place in exceptional cases, such as disability or death of a parent or carer.

In-year reassessment - independent students

A student may have their fees and living costs application reassessed in-year if their circumstances change and they can provide evidence that they have become an ‘independent’ student.

This evidence could cover things such as,

  • they are married
  • they have financially supported themselves for three years or more
  • they are the natural or adoptive parent of a child who lives with them
  • they have no living parents
  • they are estranged from their parents

An independent student reassessment is undertaken on the student’s household income and that of their spouse or partner (if they have one).

Confirmation of DaDA funding

When institutions have assessed the main application and checked the evidence, they must notify students in writing to confirm the amount of tuition fees and any living costs funding they are entitled to receive.

Where a student is not offered DaDA funding, the institution must write to them to explain the reasons. The letter they give or send to the student should also set out details of their appeals procedure. If the student believes that the process used to come to the decision contains irregularities, they must be given the right to appeal under the institution’s procedures. If the institution is found to be in error, they must compensate the student appropriately.

Payment of DaDA funding to students

Institutions should make living costs payments directly to students once they have been fully assessed as eligible for DaDA. Institutions are free to determine the frequency of payments to students; however, it is recommended that payments are made in instalments, for example, on a termly basis. This ensures students do not receive funding they are not entitled to, if, for example, they withdraw from their course part way through the year. Where an institution issues a large amount of funding to a student, they should be aware that this is at their own risk. No additional funding can be claimed from ESFA in the event of any overpayment to students by institutions.

Institutions should make clear to students that continued receipt of DaDA is conditional on them meeting agreed standards set by the institutions, for example, relating to attendance, behaviour and progression.

Communications, governance and monitoring

Institutions are responsible for ensuring that information about DaDA is available to students through their literature and websites and that this information is up to date. ESFA will regularly review and update its’ student facing and institution focused information on GOV.UK.

Management information returns (MI)

At the end of October 2017, institutions must submit an in-year MI return to provide data on students in receipt of DaDA in the 2017 to 2018 academic year.

In July 2018, institutions must complete and submit an end of year MI return for the 2017 to 2018 academic year to support the monitoring of the DaDA scheme.

ESFA will undertake reconciliation at the end of the academic year. An in-year reconciliation will also take place in December 2017 if the in-year MI return identifies a significant amount of unused funding is being held by institutions.

Audit and scheme protection

Administration and allocation of DaDA is subject to ESFA’s audit process. For audit purposes, and to provide accurate management information (MI), institutions should maintain accurate and up to date records of students and funding. This includes recording students in receipt of DaDA on the budget management spreadsheet for the 2017 to 2018 academic year.

Institutions must comply with all aspects of the information on GOV.UK, with Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities and any other legal requirements applying to the institution. ESFA may withdraw DaDA funding at any time if this is not done or if the institution cannot provide sufficient evidence that it is financially viable. Institutions will be subject to governance and audit regimes that include the requirement for Ofsted inspections and the publication of inspection reports. Institutions must permit any person authorised by Ofsted to inspect them. They must provide any such person with all the facilities they may reasonably require for making an inspection as and when required, in line with Ofsted powers of entry and access to documents and its Common Inspection Framework in accordance with section 131 and 132 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.

Only institutions whose provision is assessed as Outstanding (Grade 1) or Good (Grade 2) at Ofsted inspection will be eligible to offer DaDA funding. ESFA will stop funding institutions if they do not maintain their levels of quality unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Ofsted inspections are undertaken in line with the Common Inspection Framework and other guidance current at the time. Institutions can view The Common Inspection Framework and the handbook for inspections on GOV.UK.

Institutions should ensure they are fulfilling their responsibilities for safeguarding all students. They should also ensure they are aware of the Government’s Prevent Strategy about safeguarding young people from extremism and radicalisation: the prevent strategy.

ESFA may also withdraw DaDA funding where the institution fails to meet the qualification requirements of the DaDA scheme, for example,

  • it is no longer validated by Trinity College London as eligible to offer the Level 5 and 6 Diploma qualifications
  • it is no longer able to maintain levels of quality, relevance to employers’ needs and the standards of performance that are currently set for the DaDA scheme

In the event that an institution closes, students can move to another institution with DaDA funding with prior ESFA agreement. In these circumstances, ESFA will fund the remaining period of the student’s support at the new institution but only at the fee rate that applied at the closing institution.

Further information

Information for students on the DaDA scheme is available on GOV.UK.

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Published 3 March 2017

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