World news story

UKTI to lead Korean delegation on a trade mission to the UK

UKTI is leading a delegation of 26 Korean visitors from industry and government to EcoBuild 2015 and on a ‘Green Building’ tour of the UK.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) is leading a delegation of 26 Korean visitors from industry and government to EcoBuild 2015 and on a ‘Green Building’ tour of the UK.


The mission aims to explore and develop the increasing cooperation and collaboration between the UK and Korea in green and renewable construction and architecture.

UKTI Trade Manager Jiyoung Lee, who will be leading the mission, spoke about the aims of the visit:

The UK and Korea are both at the forefront of new, low-carbon, construction techniques and we have strong hopes that the Korea-UK Green Buildings Forum, as well as the rest of the visit, will facilitate new areas of cooperation.

As Korea’s already bustling cities continue to develop and as the UK looks to upgrade its infrastructure there are ample opportunities for business and trade for both sides.


The Korean delegation will attend “Ecobuild 2015”, the UK’s leading event for sustainable design, construction and energy. At the event there will be a pavilion which will represent the Korean industry and government representatives attending the mission – jointly supported by UKTI/The GREAT campaign.

Korea-UK Green Building Forum

The delegation will also attend a Korea-UK Green Building forum which will bring together industry and governmental speakers from both sides.

They will discuss the successes, challenges and areas for future cooperation between Korea and the UK, such as:

  • zero carbon construction
  • green remodelling
  • smart cities

Governmental speakers will include:

  • Tim Yeo MP, Chair of the Energy and Climate Change Committee
  • Jin-Sook Kim, Director General at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT)

Olympic legacy

The delegates will participate in a fact-finding mission to the UK’s Olympic Legacy site and meet with the “London Legacy Development Corporation” to learn how London 2012 became the greenest Olympic Games ever and how sustainability projects have continued.

BRE Innovation Park

The visit will culminate on Friday 6th March with a visit and meetings at the BRE Innovation Park. The site, around 30km north of London, is home to some of the world’s most sustainable buildings, landscape designs and hundreds of innovative low carbon materials and technologies.

Green is GREAT

The trade mission is part of the UK government’s ‘Green is GREAT’ campaign that demonstrates the best the UK has to offer in green building and low carbon technologies. This Green Building UK visit follows the previous Green is GREAT event at the Korea Architecture Fair and Festival (KAFF) that ran from 29 October – 1 November 2014.

Notes for Editors

  1. The UKTI Green Building Trade Mission to the UK will run from 1 to 6 March
  2. There are expected to be around 26 delegates from 8 Korean firms and 4 Korean governmental bodies joining the mission.
  3. The Korea-UK Green Building Forum will take place on Tuesday 3 and there will be a meeting between KIRA (the Korea Institute of Registered Architects) and RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) to discuss further implementation of the Korea-UK Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on architectural cooperation signed in November 2014.
  4. On Wednesday 4 the delegates attend EcoBuild 2015, the UK’s largest event for sustainable design and construction. Over 40,000 people attended in 2014 and more are predicted this year. A pavilion, partially supported by UKTI and funds from the GREAT campaign, will host information for the Korean companies attending the event.
  5. During KAFF, 17 UK companies promoted their green technologies to a Korean audience.
  6. The Korean visitors will include representatives from; * Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) * Green Remodelling Centre, KISTEC * Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) * Korea Institute of Building Energy Technology (KBET) * AHC System Window * MAI Architects, Inc * ARA Architects & Engineers * Intercity Group * Global Korea * Ilsin Industrial * Vitzrotech * GS Engineering & Construction


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Published 27 February 2015